personal tips

what is this stuff?

a compilation of advice, insights, frameworks and life lessons which i have built over the course of over 20 years of business experience, lots of self-development programmes and hundreds of hours of coaching & mentoring

who is this for?

for people wanting to live a fuller life (beyond the typical pursuit of career “success”) in which you are true to yourself and authentic to your values and feel more fulfilled, more complete and have fewer regrets

what can you expect from it?

a practical, honest approach to prioritising what matters most to you, breaking down each of the big components of life and offering perspectives on exploring/deepening in each area: from the more administrative parts of life, to relationships, greater contribution and spirituality


about me, how the tips came together & how to use this deck

career & work

from seeking: winning, respect, validation power towards: mastery, purpose

money & finance

from seeking: safety, security signaling towards: freedom, calmness

health & fitness

from seeking: attractiveness performativity towards: vitality, centeredness

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